Muscle Tear or Spasm ? Which is it ?

Muscle Tear or Spasm ? Which is it ?

muscle tearWhen somebody first presents in clinic with a muscle injury, it is important to first determine whether it is a muscle spasm or a tear. A spasm/cramp can often be worked out in a session with deep tissue massage and maybe some dry needling and stretching, allowing almost immediate turn to training. A muscle tear takes much longer to recover from, the length of time greatly depending on the degree of tearing. Treatment takes longer and a rehabilitation program is also essential.  A muscle spasm is caused by an involuntary contraction of that muscle. It is usually sudden, can cause significant pain and can limit the use of the muscle for a short period of time.

What is a Spasm?

 A muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction of that muscle. It is usually sudden, can cause significant pain and can limit the use of the muscle for a short period of time.

Spasm Causes

Spasms are usually caused by problems such as overworking a muscle, poor hydration, electrolyte imbalances, insufficient blood flow to the muscle or nerve compression. A pulled muscle is actually a tear in the muscle tissue. This occurs when the muscle is strained to the point where the muscle is damaged. The more significant the strain, the more the muscle can be torn.

What is a Muscle pull/Tear?

A pulled muscle is actually a tear in the muscle tissue. This occurs when the muscle is strained to the point where the muscle is damaged. The more significant the strain, the more the muscle can be torn.Pulled muscles are usually the result of not preparing the muscle for work through proper stretching, placing too much tension on the muscle or over-using the muscle. Soreness in the affected muscle is usually the first symptom. Using the muscle will be painful and difficult. In severe pulls, bruising may be present. The affected muscle will become very tender to the touch and some swelling may occur.

Pulled Muscle Causes

Pulled muscles are usually the result of one or a combination of (1) not preparing the muscle for work because of insufficient warmup,(2) lack of a proper stretching program after training to help the muscle recover,(3) placing too much tension on the muscle all of a sudden, (4) or over-using the muscle. Sharp pain in the affected muscle is usually the first symptom. Using the muscle will be painful and difficult. In severe pulls, bruising may be present. The affected muscle will become very tender to the touch and some swelling may occur.

The use of anabolic steroids is frequently linked to severe muscle tears as the body hasn’t had time to adapt to the increased workload . All training needs gradual progression and enough recovery time after training. The higher the intensity in training , the more time needed to recover. So for an athlete, periods of maximal performance require more recovery time.

For treatment of muscle tears or spasms phone 086-7700191. We are physiotherapists in Tralee.


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